We look forward to sharing This Day Forward with your church or community!

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Director/Producer Brian Ide continues to travel with the film to host screenings in person before its wider release. In many locations, some of the film's lead actors and members of the Jensen family will also be able to attend, to share in discussion and reflections.

Want to see This Day Forward  with your community? Just click the button below! Fill out the form, and a member of the production team will be in touch to start talking about how we can bring this incredible story to your community!



F R E Q U E N T L Y    A S K E D    Q U E S T I O N S

What is the theme of the film?

The central theme revolves around how our faith and lives are challenged when we face the "unimaginable." Whatever that means in your life, whether it be illness, addiction, estrangement, loss, employment issues, etc. Our goal with the film is not to offer a set of easy answers, but rather to shine a light on the journey towards understanding and let our audience take what they need from it. While we do not believe in easy, clean answers, we do believe that faith and hope are the key. We also believe that God is present in the darkness.

Is this just another cancer movie?

Absolutely not! While our story revolves around a young father who was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 38, our central themes explore the much larger questions above.

Is this movie just for "people of faith?"

Not at all! We all face challenges in our lives, many of them beyond anything we could have ever imagined. This story is for all of us, so we can hopefully feel a little less alone on our journeys.

Where can the movie be screened?

We can set up in just about any location — churches, schools, community centers, hospitals, large homes, barns, etc.

What do you bring?

We can bring everything: projector, screen, sound system, reflection & discussion materials, and so forth. (based on travel restrictions)

Can we use our own projector equipment?

Absolutely! We’ll bring the film on a thumb drive, laptop or Blu-Ray.

Can we pick our screening date?

We're happy to work with you to find a date that best fits your and Brian’s schedule.

How much does it cost?

We know that churches need to use their resources wisely, so we try to keep costs as low as possible. To cover our extensive expenses, screenings cost $500 and if multiple churches wish to combine to host an event, each church is only required to pay half rate — or $250 each. For locations that require an airline ticket, we will need to also charge for the ticket or book multiple screenings in the region to offset the additional travel costs.

Some organizations choose to cover costs for their members. Others choose to sell tickets, turning excess sales into a fundraiser. We'll assist you in any way possible! We do also ask for a optional donation basket to be available after the screening as well.

Why do you charge in the first place? I thought this movie was philanthropic.

Great question! You're correct, this film is 100% philanthropic. None of the filmmakers or financiers will be profiting from the film. Rather, the funds go directly towards the telling of additional stories just like this one, and to helping wipe out the Jensen Family's medical debts. The film was funded completely by donations and loans, rather than investors. We are very motivated to repay those loans and help the Jensens in a concrete way. We also strongly believe that the world needs stories like these. Because of that, we must charge a modest fee.

Why should I host a screening now?

We've had the pleasure of playing our film for thousands of people throughout the country, and have come to realize that whenever we're able to bring Brian and the Jensens to join the conversation, the dialogue takes on an entirely new dimension.

As both Director/Producer Brian Ide and the Jensens have families and work lives, their ability to live on the road is finite. That said, they very much believe that this is a life-changing ministry and they work to make as many screenings as possible.

Do we need to provide anything beyond the screening costs?

We're always conscious about keeping our costs down, that more of the revenue may go towards our philanthropic goals. To that end, we ask host families at each location to offer a night of housing and a meal. This will typically be for only two people. This is also a way for the host families to have a more intimate discussion with the filmmakers and the Jensens.

How do we pay?

Checks can be mailed out ahead of time.

Can we play the film at our local theater?

Absolutely! We're happy to work with you to help coordinate this possibility. The easiest way to start is by asking your local theater about the possibility of hosting a weekday showing.

What have people who have seen the film been saying about it?

We're proud to share some reviews — take a look!